The sun came out today. Maybe it's because a friend I haven't talked to for 9 years reached out to me and we spoke. I sat there with this huge grin on my face, sometimes tiny trickles of emotion would slide slowly down my cheek. Just like the sun it was warm, just like the air it was clear and fresh, just like the moment(s) it was a beginning. :::long slow breath::: Life is amazing.
And then there are the transitions. While I'm writing this there is a knock at the door. Three years ago I was the doula for the mom and dad of Willow. Today, her dad came to drop off a sweatshirt that my son had left in his van, months ago. Today he tells me he's moving down the street. Today he tells me that the separation is for 6 months and then they'll see. They've lived next door to me for what seems like always. Change has come. And of course many moments in between Then and Now. :::watching the moments slip through my hands like the fluidity of water:::
Do you listen to the stories of Lake Woebegone? At the end he always says this one thing and today it reminds me of my own home and wilderness. "where the women are strong, the men are good looking, and the children... are above average."