Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Let There Be Light

When I was young changing the headlight meant pulling the whole front of the headlight assembly off and pulling out the entire headlight to put in a new one. Now, many many many years later, it's altogether a different story .

This thing is about 3 inches long, which would seem fairly small IF it wasn't on the driver's side of the car. You see, on the passenger side of the car there is no battery. But the battery is in the way on the other side. 

So in the parking lot of Home Depot (where I went to get some tools I might need) I found myself under the hood taking apart everything I needed  in order to get the battery out to get to the back of the headlight to eventually find myself strutting about proudly with a burnt out bulb. Probably took me quite a bit longer than a professional, but I didn't care. A bruised knuckle, a fair amount of grease and only one little nut that jumped to the ground and refused to be found. Ah well, I'm sure the battery will stay put. It was a great and satisfying day.  : }


  1. thank you thank you thank you :::deep bow and a little curtsey just for fun:::
