Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Along The Way

Along the way to my studio we had wonderful distraction.

Also, somewhere along the way... of my life, I learned how to be afraid. I learned to play it safe in so many ways. Not all ways I suppose. For instance, today I'm heading out to the studio and I'm going to drive. I've even made it out the front door but this nagging something kept me from shutting it. All I needed to do was put my pack on my back, fill the water bottle, pedal down to the Burke, and explore and discover and, and, and, I just felt this fear. What the hell was I afraid of? That I couldn't do it? That I would get lost? That I would fall? I had no idea. What I did know was this, the fear made a simple bicycle ride a huge risk and that I had to dare greatly. If I didn't take the risk, I would create more fear.

So here I am, sitting in my studio chronicalling about the risk I took and the success I had. I feel calm, teary, alive, and great solitude. Now maybe I can get some work done here. Maybe. There has been a great deal of creative and philosophical procrastination composting in my artistic world. Today is no different. As I'm on the canal, the seagull song grabs my attention continuously and I drift off into the world of the places I could retire and the land I could live on, land by the ocean or large body of some kind of water. Ah well. Sometimes it seems like there's supposed to be some kind of urgency about doin' stuff in my life.  Today, my life seems to be fine just meandering along.

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