Wednesday, March 19, 2014


I love my job. I have varied responsibilities, the people I work with are wonderful, and I probably learn something new every day. But... sometimes I get annoyed at stuff and lately I'm trying to pay more attention to it. 

For instance, the ingenious rubber change holder. There are two ways I've seen it used and both of them have, most times, inspired aggravation. One is when it gets opened, like in the picture, and then the index finger of the opposite hand digs through the change FINALLY finding the exact amount and pulling each coin out, one at a time, until it's all there. The other way, is to open it up and dump the entire pile onto the belt or the counter and pull one coin at a time out of the mire. And the most irritation comes when there is a huge line of customers with "that" look, waiting their turn.

So my plan is to 1.  pay attention to what I'm feeling and remind myself it's just someone's way of holding change 2. remember that the other customers must somehow learn to be in touch with their sense of temporal poverty and just deal with it 3. remember to breathe.

So far this is working out splendidly and I've even gotten to know some of the rubber change holder customers better, as the time it takes for them to get the change out, leaves room for conversation. I must admit, however, that there's been a few times when I've suggested that change is a good thing and that just throwing all of it into a jar or piggy bank has it's rewards.

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