Sunday, March 2, 2014

Changes of Mind

My friends Karen and Bruce introduced me to the concept of event income. This was after I was talking with them about how romanticized my ambition to sell every Sunday at the market was and how I realized it wasn't really MY ambition but a voice in my head that had become so loud, thanks to the well meaning voices of others who believe that my work should be out there. I think it should be out there also but I'm not possessed by the traditional idea of success and am seriously not the person to spend every moment either "producing" or selling. My art is a blessing of the energy that comes through me , that becomes manifest. So... I can create and create to my hearts content and when the time comes for a road trip, or a sunny day at the market, I'm there, happily. I can't wait to see what will come into the world when the freedom of this choice joins the healing of my heart.

The other choice is about where to find my home. Before, following someone else's dream, I found the idea of moving from Seattle to Olympia, completely feasible. And in the recent past, tried to make it my own because, well, the homes you can find there are inexpensive and beautiful with land and water and wood floors. But then I realized that there is no longer a companion to share that with and I would find myself isolated and alone. Now, after I sell my house, the home of my dreams and my old age, will find me, embrace me, and I'll go happily.

There is a deep sense of contentment with these realizations and decisions. Anytime in life, those feelings are pretty welcome, but at this time of my life, they're beyond beautiful and precious.

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