Breakfast was wonderful. I'm starting a new nutrition plan, not completely different than what I've been doing since November but more disciplined, which makes it harder for this undisciplined one. Yet, after 2 days I can see it's going to be a really beneficial thing for me (in many ways ) and I'm looking forward to the outcomes.

So I grabbed a hemp latte from Herkimer, a little bag full of almonds and an apple. Before I walked out the door I had this thrillingly dark chocolate bite (100%) and I was ready to go. Sauntered down to the p-patch and sat on my favorite bench. ( Was going to water then realized it's going to rain.) In a few minutes the garden was full of life. (I had interrupted it, at first, with my entrance) My favorites were the hummingbirds drinking from the scarlet runners and the flowers from the dino kale going to seed, and the chickadees who were eating the sunflower seeds from the ones I had planted. It was probably one of the most satisfying events of this garden season, for me.

There were sparrows and squirrels and a hornet that I shared my apple with. The peacefulness of it made me cry these sweet tears.
Then the little walk home and the greetings from more friends that are loving the cool weather. The zinnia, which by the way, are having their second blooming. On each plant has been one flower and the original beauties passed and then gave birth to offspring that are blooming now. I love this.
Miss Lobelia has never stopped blooming this entire summer and she is more beautiful with age. I can only hope to grow old this gracefully.

My Susan Thunbergia probably did not get quite the amount of sunshine that she would have preferred. The courtyard Cedars and Holly's pretty much control that part of the garden. Still, she shines, one blossom at a time, twining up the thin bamboo as high as she can, never letting go.
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