Thursday, December 19, 2013

Mobil Blog

Whoa... on on the go with my smartphone and life is good for a geek. Geek artist that is!

Finished the displays and heading to the studio to pick up more pieces and maybe clean it up a little bit. It's been pretty hectic there and  way fun.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Not Just Glass

Glass is not the only thing to make stuff out of.

It's been a long time since I've been here ::::looking around:::: and it feels familiar and strange at the same time.

There's this craft's fair at the tiny local cinema down the street and I signed up. Hurridly Scurridly I've been making displays and buying little lights and making jewelry and trying to tell people about it. I have this fantasy that maybe there will be one or two of us and maybe 3 or 4 browsers. Doesn't matter. This is one of the first dry runs for beginning more fairs and creating blissfull, artfull, beautyfull, retirement time.

I don't do only glass.

There can be pieces of dishes.

There can be pieces of soapstone candle holders.

And today a meeting with a bunch of people from an Etsy Team with an Etsy Administrator!!! Very cool. Felt like I was on the ground floor of creating changes to make Etsy work better and become more mine.