Sunday, September 8, 2013

Inlakesh - Talisman of the Awareness of Connection

Inlakesh. It's an Australian peoples word meaning "I am you yourself." It's not even posted yet. Soon.

Beth is meditating, Felix is at summer camp for a couple of days and I... am on vacation. Haven't invited the sweet heart who would spontaneously house sit to come be with the kitties and chickens, but that could happen.

I think about driving over to the ocean or up into the mountains but I just can't pry myself away from the surprises that keep erupting from within the walls of the studio. It's a constant explosion of newness, wonderment, problem solving and sheer joy.

So grateful. So blessed. And I've heard that if someone follows me on my new twitter account my life will be absolutely complete.

We'll see.


  1. Replies
    1. I'm so sorry. This was sold many moons ago. My studio has been in storage for about 2 years while I build a house. When the shop opens again you can find me here.

      If that link doesn't work let me know. And thank you. Be well.
