Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Paris 1973

My name was Moon. Lin and I made backpacks out of upholstery fabric samples and a pile of old leather that we found and sold them at a festival on Telegraph Ave in front of UC Berkeley. Our tickets cost $125 one way and we took a drive-away car (I had to explain drive-away to a twenty something the other day so I don't know if it still exists) from Santa Cruz, CA to somewhere in West Virginia and then a bus to NY City. It's a much longer story than this paragraph. Maybe some other time.

I didn't think I could draw in color back then. I had this thing in my head (probably from Easter outfit shopping with my mom, I think) that there were only certain colors that were supposed to go together. I somehow didn't understand the rules so I just left color out of it. There's a story about how that changed but, again,  maybe some other time.

Been watching a made for Amazon series (like Netflix Originals but different) called Transparent. Serious binge watching. A parent starts to transition from man to woman and how it affects change in everyone in his/her life. Centered around his family and how all their deepest darkest secrets start unraveling throwing them into a storm of evolving authenticity. Remarkable shit. I pretty much love it. And I cleaned my desk off which is a pretty major undertaking. Used to have a magnet on my fridge that said, "I hate housework. You clean and clean and clean and 6 months later  you have to do it all over again." Always helps to have some good philosophical drama to help me through it.


  1. We watched "Transparent" and loved it too. It ended too quickly. Is there a second season yet?

  2. I'm hoping that a second season will come. I haven't found a second season but I'm assuming that it will come along. Keep your fingers crossed!
