Tuesday, November 9, 2010

My Guy

I love it when I get to spend time with my guy. We hung out and talked a bit, watched Dexter (wrapping duct tape around my head in the vicinity of my mouth to not give it away to those that lag behind a bit), then went and looked at web ready cell phones with cheap internet access. I was gung ho, he was pragmatic, and chilled my impulsiveness. When did he get so grown up???? But he's always been beautiful. Such love. We're gonna go again soon, when the right phone is here. Yay!!


  1. Thank the gods for sons. Seriously. Your boy beams you know. Good work.

  2. :::smiling::: thank you. He's a complete joy. 22 now. Infallible, immortal, incorrigible. And much much bigger.
