Sunday, November 14, 2010

Misty Morning

Path. Turn a corner and what will you see? Last night was a spectrum. At one end of the grid, a terror. A nail biting, make you spin crazy, stupefying, insidious, monster terror. At the other end, love. Well, of course. So it's like taking the grid and making the ends meet. Introduce the fear to the love and watch what happens. I think it's peace, which naturally, is the same as love, only different.                        ( Courage.  "of the heart". )                                And then the opening. And then the awareness of the crevices where the pain once lived. The pain that I didn't even really know existed, like a splinter that I got used to and would just occasionally administer some kind of unconscious first aid. And then the breath that reached into them and quietly, sweetly, filled them up with love, and hope, and tranquility.

I wonder where the next steps on this beautiful journey will take me. What will happen next? ok. I'm outta here to go find out.


  1. Bless you, sweetness. We made the mist today, you know.

  2. We did, didn't we? And what a beautiful mist it was.
