Sunday, July 6, 2014

Restraining Order

It's now seriously on my bucket list to order one of these drinks!!

I love Roxie's. There is a huge painting on the wall of Jewish cowboys herding cattle. The painting has a frame around it, painted, that looks like wood but it's not. Hanging from the "wood" is a pendant of a Jewish star. Wonderful!!! Now I have to go look up Jewish cowboys because I've been watching Deadwood and there is a Jew, Sol (pronounced Saul), that I adore. He's like an angel in a sea of humans only he's human too.

Oh, and I don't think that I've ever mentioned it here but I am Jewish too. I didn't find out about this until my cousin Gloria spilled the beans when I was twenty something (pretty sure even though I'm messed up with my chronological history) I grew up Catholic, my father was Jewish but he converted to Catholicism because my mom didn't know that SHE was Jewish until we found out that my great grandmother changed her name and pretty shamefully, but successfully, assimilated. At this point in my life I'm more of a born again Pagan/Sufi/Traveler which suits me just fine and I like I chose it myself. One of the best things is I don't have to go to mass every Easter or do Novenas on certain Tuesdays to guarantee that I'll not wind up in Hell. Something like that. However, there was something strangely ethereal, and almost erotic, about the things my body felt when they walked around the church with those big containers of smoking incense on a chain.  Was it the fasting? Who knows?

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