Monday, March 17, 2014


While I clean the clutter from my desk top I'm watching the new Cosmos. (thank you Mr. Sagan for being such an inspiration) I'm just into the opening of it and already I'm enthralled. The study of the Universe ( I use that word instead of God ) and conversations about it and life, almost always brings me to some kind of fluttering inside my being. It's like being so tiny and still I become even more because I am reminded of connection. Not just connection, like a plug into a socket, but connection like.... I am That. Usually the sensation brings tears of joy and feelings of elation and my mind explodes and implodes simultaneously. hahaha it's not as painful as it sounds!!

And watching this will also give me more opportunity to have discussions with some of the young men at work that I've come to love dearly. Scientists and poets and engineers and humans so beautifully alive. Just the other day I told Colin about a movie I'd seen called Mr. Nobody. I recommended it to him because it was filled with the science and philosophy of time and dimensions. He watched it! And then he told me his favorite part was a thing they called telemerization. He's been studying DNA in school and there are little caps or tails at the end of dna strands called telemeres. And as we age these get shorter and shorter until our cells are not able to replicate like they used to and pieces of the dna begin to kind of fall off. A process called "senesence". Hence, aging.

There are studies being done on mice where they introduce the enzyme that keeps the telemere longer and the mice stay young. I loved it that he knew this. But more than his knowledge, I felt blessed by being present in his joy of discovery and his curiosity and his awe of  Life itself.

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